Wednesday May 22, 2024

31: Is Your Mind Busy? Try Being The Observer with this Cameraman/Woman Activity

Today we started with changing the energy up and revisiting the topic of a busy mind. How do we stay out of the details if our mind loves details? We can try becoming the camera man or woman. The observer of that detail. 

If we were carrying around a huge movie camera like they use in the film industry, what is your camera pointing and focusing on? Is that view your present moment or is your mind hyper focusing on the past, rushing to a future moment or destination, or even telling you things that are not currently real (like every stick or branch you pass is a snake on your mine did today?) 

The camera man/woman is an important role as that camera can decide what will create our movie and what it is focused on. If you were observant of your camera for 1 day, what movie are you creating...a comedy, drama, horror or sci-fi movie? 

If we focus on the details (the faces, names, events, places, hurts, pains, losses, cravings, aversions) we become those details and our energy field becomes more of those details...more rushing, more buying, more wealth, more friends, more clients, more money, more, more, more. We tend to skip over the present moment like our morning routine activities or driving to work as an example. They are often moments when our mind hyper focuses to a future or destination point instead of the journey.

If your mind feels racing or busy and focused on the details of life, you might enjoy this cameraman/camerawoman activity that we can all do at any time to help us become aware of where our focus is and how much we are in the observer role behind the camera instead of the movie itself.

We are going to be in our own movie scene regardless as it's our life, but hopping in behind the camera as the observer shifts the energy field entirely even if it's only for a small moment/s throughout your day.

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,


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