Thursday May 23, 2024

32: "That's Interesting?!" How Curiosity Opens A Panoramic View

Judgements, assumptions, criticisms, voicing our rights.

If we are wired naturally to our likes, dislikes, good, bad, right, wrong ways of thinking, could we open the door to "That's Interesting" and stay curious?

It might be easier in happier times or when something "goes the way we wanted or expected", but what about staying interested and curious in times of adversity? The times when things don't quite go the way we really wanted?

Could we observe our experience and instead of going along with the topic, judging or criticising, spreading rumours or gossip or becoming the same group-think mentality, could we insert the words "That's Interesting" and stay really curious in our field?


Because curiosity allows us to open a brand new door to our experience that takes us to a wider view, like a panoramic photograph. Instead of the well worn judgment, assumptions about other people or situations, thinking or over thinking, same rumour mill, same gossip, same media and news or same tearing each other apart on social media, we can start to see that if we are observing the experience instead of becoming that experience, there is something being shown to us, for us, in that moment. 

By contributing to the judgements, assumptions, rumours, gossip or we join the war on words, creating further divide. We think we are voicing our rights, but our words here are less meaningful as we are all seeing the world through different lenses...just like different shades of photo filters.

Does a Polaroid photo view look different to a panoramic view? Our curiosity allows us to be more panoramic, wider in our views to hold more at the same time without impacting us to see not just our own view, but how others also experience the world. 

What type of camera view are you looking through today? Could you invite more curiosity to all your experiences as a playful and light exercise?

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind,...stay interested, stay curious.

With and open and grateful heart,



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