Tuesday Jun 11, 2024

47: There Is Nothing Wrong With You. Wobble Moments.

"What is wrong", "what is wrong with me", "why have I gone back to this?", "I thought I was past this" type of energy has been a theme in the last few messages received. There is a lot happening planetary wise that is also working for us to help us open to more of these types of mind stories to release another layer deeper. If you are experiencing this...you've got this!

Wobble days. Or as you'll hear...wobble, wobble, gobble, gobble. Maybe we refer to them as a "bad day" (or bad weeks, months or even years!). We visualised a Turkey in these moments of feeling wobbly, so we can introduce a smile and acceptance of this moment.

The "bad day" is always an energy door knocking. Our expression in the moment is key, our acceptance and allowance of all to be as it is as it is perfect. Our mind will want to take the front seat and drive for us. It'll repeat patterns and loops and create the thinking-feeling loop that is a known familiar to us. But imagine that mind as a turkey. Trying to drive us super fast and away from our emotions and heart. OR we can pop the mind in the back seat and allow our heart to open the energetic door to the love frequency. 

Instead of owning a "bad day", just see what expression might be ready to release. Maybe tears, maybe anger or rage, maybe frustration. If we allow it to be as it is and no longer suppress and/or own it with some meaning in our life, then we allow ourselves to open the door that has now appeared. A different way of being allows us to flow through the door into the wider pool of consciousness. 

A "bad day" or a wobble moment now equates to a new energetic door ready to open. It can be seen as working for us and it can instantly change our perspective to acceptance and allowance of everything we are experiencing to coexist at the same time without attaching meanings to everything. It just is in that moment. 

Now every time a "bad day" or wobble moment comes, we can smile, express, accept and open the door to what this new experience has allowed us to hold in our perspective without any meaning. 

We are no longer resisting or fighting what the mind wants to focus on. We realised that "bad day" actually was the Hollywood lights lit up on a signpost to direct us into our deeper layers of our love frequency! To remember who we are. What a gift that bad day now is!

There is a bonus 6 minute section I'll add as a recording, so see the link above to connect to that last piece of the message.

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,



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