Friday May 24, 2024

33: Discernment. Your Greatest Gift After Survival Mode

One of the often unseen gifts that generally becomes visible after a series of traumatic or fearful events is the power of your discernment.

We go through experiences in life that might have made us feel detached from our body and unable to hear our inner guidance. Our emotions and mind might have stepped in during those times and possibly stayed around as our new way of being in the world.

Once we become aware of our patterns of behaviours that feel like repeated lessons, we might also become aware of the deep wisdom we now carry that becomes our new guidance system as we navigate similar people, places and events WITH an extra gift of discernment. 

We don't need to look to the outside world for red flags as our proof of what and where to be and do. If we are seeking a new relationship, as an example, after a series of manipulative and heartbreaking experiences, we might feel like we can't trust our intuition or "see" the red flags.

In this episode, we turned the focus around from external red flags to ourselves as our greatest gift of discernment that appears with clarity once we have our self awareness. Anything we were once blind to becomes visible. Those experiences gave us the gift of discernment. Our ability to trust our inner guidance (not our feelings) no matter what.

We don't need to wait around for proof or red flags when we are very quiet within, in our neutral, equanimous state of being and able to hear our wisdom speak to us. Trust that you cannot lose anything from your life that is meant to be there. Your boundaries and values system are now guiding you and your trust in this guidance allows you to discern what is acceptable or not in your field. 

This type of discernment allows you to stay open and curious to differences, whilst staying in your alignment at the same time. 

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,


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