Thursday Apr 25, 2024

9: Let It Be. Can You Invite a New Higher Perspective In?

Let it be. Such a simple message, but one that we often don't feel is easy to allow in the moment of a trigger, pain or suffering. We hold on so tightly, fighting often for what we don't even want, when a simple shift in perspective could alleviate our suffering.

We all hear the words just "let it be", but can you? Can you trust the day to day moments are unfolding for you to see from a higher point of view - if you choose? That maybe, just maybe, the story your mind might be telling you isn't the only way? 

In this episode, we travel off the beaten track (stepping across some bumpy and uninviting ground) to an opening to a higher perspective. The location today was overlooking a huge dam from a elevated deck. We got to see that being in the weeds, or as I could see in front of me, the tall reeds in the murky water keeps us stuck or limited in patterns such as "they didn't text me back quickly, so they do not care about me" as an example. These moments are an opportunity to hop out of the murky water where we are trying to "fix", control or "make clear" and take the higher path to the new perspective. Can we see that allowing things to be as they are and inviting ourselves to see and observe from the higher perspective, changes our entire view of ourselves and others. 

Let it be - allowing people to be as they are and situations to unfold as they will, your higher perspective now allows you to come from a place of divine love to help, support and connect with others in a whole new way. Constantly standing in the reeds and murky water isn't a fun or joyful place to be. It's messy, it's scary, and it's chaotic. 

This episode was a fun new adventure to shift our energy and open a door to allow the infinite opportunities, perspectives, support and love into to our way of being through letting it be.

If you're ready to stop playing in the murky reeds and water, right now in this moment, you can invite yourself to smile, pause, breathe deeply and hop up onto the elevated deck - enjoy the view and watch what starts to unfold from up there!

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,


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