Wednesday Apr 24, 2024

8: You're NOT Crazy! This Exact Moment of "Things Going Wrong" is a Celebration Point!

You are so very, you are NOT going crazy.

If you feel like everything is "going wrong" either in a big way or slowly "things are changing before your eyes", there is nothing wrong with you.

Yes, I know, people start to point the finger at you and those who are closest to you might even start to blame you, project onto you and even turn away from you. I hear you. Please know, you are not alone.

This is truly a celebration point on the journey into wider ponds of consciousness that will bring up all our fears, shadow side and anything that we might have tucked away in the unconscious. Things that were once blind to us become visible and now are ready to be felt and accepted!

If you don't judge this moment or try to suppress or label yourself, then it can move from feeling wobbly to more of a flow state as we let go of our control and grip onto "things staying the same".

When we start to trust that change is a constant and it expresses through us in many forms, we can keep flowing downstream without the judgements on self and others and you won't feel so crazy anymore. 

This episode felt like a reset or clearing message for anyone in this space right now as I stood in the middle of a creek of flowing water. As I waited there and observed, the water filled the pool of water until it overflowed and trickled downstream into the larger pool (like a pond) that started to fill and so on. It repeated this process over and over and was a beautiful symbol of how one of those pools/ponds is just the "I feel crazy pond" where we get to meet this new view of our ever changing lives and accept that it doesn't mean anything else. No matter what anyone else might say to us at that time.

It's a celebration of awareness and a gift that you received - that makes you brave to accept and open the gift - certainly not crazy!

Whenever things start "going wrong" (according to your mind) throughout your days, know that all endings are only fresh beginnings and you're transitioning into a new wider pond (so, don't grip onto that rock!). This refocus will help you to be excited and look forward directly at any fears that are ready to drop away as you float gently downstream.

Anything you are resisting right now, know that you are fully equipped to turn and face towards it (YES, YOU CAN!!!). You've got this.     

Stay soft, stay gentle, stay kind.

With an open and grateful heart,



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